Wybrane branże

Revenue in the Furniture market amounts to US$361,820m in 2020. The market is expected to grow annually by 4.3% (CAGR 2020-2023).
In global comparison, most revenue is generated in the United States (US$233,037m in 2020).
In relation to total population figures, per person revenues of US$426.70 are generated in 2020.
Consumer Goods
The United States is a world leader in consumer goods market research, product innovation, manufacturing, and branding and marketing. The United States also has a highly-skilled workforce in the consumer products arena. In 2019, the U.S. consumer goods market (defined as consumer packaged goods) was the largest in the world, estimated at $635…
Machinery and Equipment
Tens of thousands of companies manufacture machinery in the United States. A majority of these manufacturers are small and medium enterprises (SMEs), but there are also many large, public companies and iconic American brands that trade on a global scale. Machinery is manufactured in almost every state, but production is concentrated particularly…
The United States remains the largest medical device market in the world: $156 billion (40 percent of the global medical device market in 2017). By 2023, it is expected to grow to $208 billion. U.S. exports of medical devices in key product categories identified by the Department of Commerce exceeded $43 billion in 2018. The medical technology…
The U.S. agribusiness industry is a major competitor in the global market, due to its strong workforce, market size, and infrastructure. The agribusiness industry encompasses subsectors such as agricultural chemicals, crop production, aquaculture, forestry and logging, and livestock (agricultural machinery and equipment is represented in the…